Jurgen Klopp storms out of interview after reporter’s ‘dumb question’ on defeat to Man Utd

Jurgen Klopp storms out of interview after reporter's ‘dumb question’ on defeat to Man Utd


Jurgen Klopp storms out of a TV interview after a reporter’s ‘dumb question’ on the FA Cup quarter final defeat to Man Utd on Sunday.

Following a mesmerising cup tie, he addressed the media in the aftermath of his team’s devastating 4-3 loss to their rivals, Manchester United.

Liverpool seemed to have a victory within their reach, as goals from Alexis Mac Allister and Mohamed Salah put them on track for a 2-1 triumph.

However, a late equaliser from substitute Antony in the 87th minute forced the match at Old Trafford into extra time.

During the first half of extra time, Liverpool managed to regain the lead through Harvey Elliott’s deflected strike.

Nevertheless, their hopes were dashed once again when Marcus Rashford scored for Manchester United in the 112th minute.

A penalty shootout appeared imminent until Amad Diallo’s last-second goal in extra time secured the win for Man United, effectively ending Liverpool’s aspirations of achieving a quadruple in the Premier League, FA Cup, Europa League, and Carabao Cup.

Naturally, Klopp expressed his disappointment after the game. However, he did not respond favorably to the line of questioning from a journalist representing Viaplay Sports.

After being questioned about his side’s intensity dropping in extra time, Klopp hit back: “That’s a bit of a dumb question.

“If you see us often, you can ask us the other times why we have so much energy.

“I don’t know how many games we’ve had recently and how many Manchester United have had. That’s sport.

“I’m really disappointed about that question, but you thought obviously it’s good.”

The reporter then replied: “So too many games?”

Klopp said: “Oh you don’t think that. Come on!

“You are obviously not in a great shape and I have no nerves for you.”

The German then proceeded to leave the interview early to the surprise of the reporter.

Twitter users reacted as Jurgen Klopp storms out of interview after a reporter’s ‘dumb question’ on defeat to Man Utd…

@daleando86: He’s just got no class whatsoever

@Johngreenway09: Everyone’s best mate when they win, but everyone’s questions are terrible when they lose. Standard!

@BazHughes3: Such a sore loser, all smiles and back slapping when he’s winning though

@MattyTa32675875: The most ‘likeable’ manager in the league apparently…

@Dixied1928: Shows his true self when things don’t go his way. Dangerous man if he isn’t happy. Imagine him behind closed doors

@franheavey81: Only the 10 millionth time he’s done something like this

@rhendy_mufc_20: But he played a full strength side on Thursday even though they had a 5-1 lead and the Under 8’s would have got them through

@MalDickenson: The farewell tour not going so well. Completely unlikable. Good riddance.

@alshadowdancer: Scandinavian TV? Why is he alienating his core fanbase?

@steven_mi11s: Their core fanbase watching in Norway won’t be happy

@clscottweet: He’s just Liverpool in a nutshell. All smiles when it’s going well but a big turn when it goes bad, and it’s never their fault. Never has a manager suited a club so perfectly. Almost sad their relationship is coming to a close lol

@steviecruyff: Perfectly reasonable questions and he acts like this, we’ve seen it before but thankfully we won’t have to see it much longer,good riddance to him

@NeilDav75440965: When they get beat the mask slips….and quickly

@LiamCam49097991: This is the real Klopp the smiley lovable klopp only appears when they are winning and every decision going there way

@AnnetteH0526: Mr nice guy when everything’s going his way.. otherwise he’s an arse.

@Philatty: Typical behavior after a loss. All he has to say is his players are tired and they gave their all and really should have put the game away. Instead, just a poor fucking loser.

@M_Eggy1: What an arrogant, egotistical bully of a man. THE most unlikeable person in football. He has had a big say in turning the game we love, into what it is today…. SHIT! Good riddance you insufferable fucking bell end.

@AlexMcGuire98: The real Jurgen comes out again when they lose. Classless prick.

@MCFC_Sam320: Klopp shows his true character when he loses. This is why a lot of non-Liverpool fans will be glad to see him go.

@MarkAbel_28: Exactly why I can’t stand Klopp. He is so rude, arrogant, a bully, and he does this time after time to reporters. The reporter did nothing wrong here and he’s been verbally attacked and had his weight insulted. Disgusting behaviour by Klopp.

@mb107614739: Of course he did. Such a bitter man

@Dom_EFC: One massive cunt is Klopp. Most media love him though so it’s fine. He gets away with being an arsehole to the general journos and the referees

@formbytoffee: The mask slips yet again.

@Grov_esyy: Imagine the absolute meltdown if Arteta did this. Just saying. 🤔

@NICU_doc_salone: Ive never understood why this guy is so popular. He’s coached to say all the right things to Liverpool fans and when things go well he’s pretty happy. But he’s an absolute spoiled child when things get even a little difficult for him.

@robbardog: Wasn’t a bad question, why did he get triggered? Poor from Klopp.

@jewkesyno4: That’s the reason I stopped liking him. Can’t take the best mate attitude when they win and grumpy git when they lose. He’s clearly a good manager, but this doesn’t look good. He’s been like it for a few years too.

@Jonny_Dutch: This is why I couldn’t care less about this geezers farewell tour, he’s a w*nker and he’s shown that time and time again.

@mickmckeownSNB“: See if any other manager walked out on a interview it’s on every sports channel, this man is one self entitled prick and has been for a while,I liked Alex Ferguson cos he was strait to the point as manager without arrogance this man is pure arrogance, horrible man

@Thisisred5Five: Absolute prick. Easy to be the nicest guy in the room when things are going well.

@katieemufc: Classic Klopp throwing his toys out of the pram after a loss, same old same old

@CapableOfFlight: Arteta got ‘he’s a nob’ chat because he fist pumps and argues about VAR. This bloke has constantly belittled and bullied reporters. Look at this comment. Fucking nasty

@btharris93: We need to put to bed this myth once and for all that Klopp is some kind of nice guy. He’s not. He’s comfortably the biggest prick in the entire league as far as managers are concerned.

@GS203989: The world will truly heal if he walks away this season with only the league cup

@ddoublepivot: The fact that Arteta is supposedly dislikeable and Klopp acts like this every few weeks tells you how extreme the media brainwashing campaign is.

@BlackScarfMarc: What an absolute prick. Let’s wait for the media outrage and demands for an apology that would come for certain other managers – ours especially. Actually, let’s not – because they’re all up this one’s arse and he can say what he wants.

@dankthemanc: Klopp really is a nasty creature. If he were manager of any other club, he wouldn’t have as much smoke blown up his arse. They’d call him out for this behaviour. Seen it so many times from him as well. As classy as shit dipped in glitter

@GarySmithJnr: The mask has slipped again! 🤣🤣🤣

@1986_legend: Just not a nice person really is he? Like when the mask slips he shows his true colours. Great manager horrible attitude.

@jonnyescott: Love it when he drops the mask. Monumental bell end. Can’t wait for him to be gone

@NUFC_Index: Horrible, spoilt little brat. Glad he’s leaving the league – such a petulant wanker. Awful model to aspiring managers.

@NostalgicNUFC85: Can’t wait to see the back of him. As a human being he’s just a narcissistic prick.

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